We take support serious and believe in an having good customer relationships. We play Minecraft ourselves and have tons of experience this way we can provide you an even better platform.

Yes, we care about data security thats why we store user data adn server infromation in secure databases which no one has access to expect the Core Management Team of Salmon Host. You can learn more about this in our privacy policy and legal docs.

Yes we do, Feel free to join the server: https://discord.Salmon.host

Thats very easy, if you dont like our services just cancel your server for free within 24 hours in our dashboard.

Yes we do! We support all versions and platforms of Minecraft so you can play with whoever you want whenever you want!

You can follow the steps on our wiki and youtube. Check it out!
Can you top server creation time of OUR_TIME_HERE minutes?

Of course you can accses our public support here > https://example.com

You can add additional ports to your server from the network section of our panel!

Below you can find a step-by-step guide on how to do so.

1. Locate the verison page on our panel.

2. Once there find the "Add Additional Port Button" and press it.

3. Now you should have an external port you can use for your plugins!